Post by ervaqreemmel is a fearsome pirate...
Post by emmelPost by ervaqreNEVARR!! Since I am a pirate, I am allowed to cheat.
Oh, sure you are, but we still win. <veg>
There you are with your vegetables again. Do you seriously think you can
defeat a real pirate with vegetables? Hae!! We pirates try not to depend
on faul, loomy, quirky vegetables!!
Well, no scurvy for me. No rotting bodies on board *this* ship. I can
see that it doesn't really matter for you, though... or rather smell.
Post by ervaqrePost by emmelPost by ervaqreI wanted to make sure you’d feel comfortable with me!
(how are we going to explain to the viewers that this is valid, yet does
not rhyme? though I don't think there are many lurkers about these days)
(You insisted on rhymes. And where the hell is your insult?)
We're supposed to clatter swords for a bit, then you should look
uncomfortable I and should flash a wide and evil grin on my face. Only
after that, I am allowed to utter a devastating insult.
With that rusty thing of yours? That'd be the END for you.
Post by ervaqrePost by emmelPost by ervaqreTwo on one? Do you have no honor, shame or peanut butter?
You judge me? You're manners are on level with the gutter!
Ouch! Well..err...I'm darn proud of it!
::hoses ervaqre and the deck::
That's English oak, dammit.
Post by ervaqrePost by emmelPost by ervaqreRed herrings are very useful if you want to cross a bridge, so I always
keep a few dead red herrings in my pants.
That explains the smell,
worse than in hell...
And you wonder that flee,
as soon as they see yee,
the enemy combatants?
Ahum, does this look like alt.poetry to you? Freaking poet.
This is whatever we - the honourable society of AGC; *not* you
- will it to be. When you can't face us, then step the hell off our
ship. Thank you for your attention.
Post by ervaqrePost by emmelPost by ervaqrePost by emmelLet's see if I still have those daylight equivalent flood lights...
No, thanks, I'm not a vegetarian. I'm a rapist.
Oh those ignorants...
Let them be! Let them be! It's not like rapist hurt people.
OK, that does it.
::turns to the carpet::
You have free reigns. Sick 'em up, buddy!
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)
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Official AGC feedback maniac
"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."
"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."
"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."
Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).
Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.