[story] ATCv2, thrilling installment #12
(too old to reply)
2008-09-11 10:18:44 UTC
All right, here is the complete installment number 12. The usual
disclaimers, threads, and general remarks apply. (In other words:
Comment, dammit!)
Mostly focusing on Aleana this time, but I still hope you'll enjoy it.
Oh, and I didn't really proof read, because... well, I'm a lazy,
feedback crazed madmen, you know.


The little arrow of pale blue light spun around its axis without being
able to decide on a bearing. Aleana visibly relaxed, the arrow fading
as her grip on the spell loosened. Laiva was alive, even when she
couldn't pinpoint her position. Deep down she knew she'd have known if
anything had happened to her little girl, but she had had to make
It was the smell that got to her. That sickly sweet stench
travelling with the smell of fire. She had long ago passed the point
when it made her stomach turn, but it still carried with it memories
of things that Aleana would rather not have remembered. Slowly she
continued along the road, hand rested at the hilt of her sword.
A few minutes later she was standing in front of a heap that
had once been the inn. Even the roof with its massive support beams
hadn't lasted, being reduced to ashes as the rest of the house. The
chimney alone had survived the brunt of the fire, many of its stones
cracked, but still standing against the night sky like a finger raised
in warning.
By the looks of it, the rumours of bandits in the area where
true after all, and on top of that they had a mage among them; there
was no way that fire could have been natural. In a way fire had a
personality, an inherent pride - it wanted to be respected, admired.
Left to its own resources it would have left reminders of its force -
blackened planks, charred beams, half burned bits and pieces; the
destruction of the inn, in contrast, had been complete, and, if she
wasn't completely mistaken, far too fast. Too fast to get out in time.
'May your spirits bath in forgetfulness as your bodies
continue the eternal cycle.'
Aleana felt a pang of guilt for shortening the rites like
that, but she trusted the dead would understand. She simply didn't
have time to go looking for remains to bury, if there even was
anything besides ashes. All that mattered now was Laiva. Somewhere out
there was her little girl, on her own, with the only shelter far and
wide gone. She had to find her before any bandits stumbled over her.
Her poor little Laiva. All the thing she had to go through
because she had failed. Failed her. Laughed at her. She off all people
should have understood. The look on her face...
Not this time. She would find her, protect her, try to make
up. She could only hope Laiva would ever be able to forgive her.

Mynor jerked his eyes open and lifted his head. He let his senses
wander, but there was nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard and
nothing to be smelled out of the usual, but the slightly oily quality
of the world around left no doubt - there was magic in the air, and
plenty at that.
He looked at the child curled up against his side, but Laiva
was fast sleep, her breath deep and steady. A bit too fast for her own
good, but she would learn. The important bit, however, was that she
hadn't been the caster.
Seconds passed as if they were seconds - Mynor having a rather
acute sense of time - without anything happening, but he wasn't
prepared to relax yet. Magic at this scale usually had repercussions.
A few more seconds later he was proven right. The distortion
in the magic was huge, and it was coming from the direction of the
road. Laiva on his side stirred, but didn't wake. As exhausted as she
had been, even the magical equivalent of a thunderstorm couldn't rip
her out of her sleep. Mynor wanted to jump up, get moving, but he
couldn't just leave her, could he? Not with Laiva counting on him.

Aleana dodged a fireball and a large chunk of tree trunk behind her
instantly combusted. The remaining wood creaked alarmingly under the
stress for a moment, then with one loud crack the wood gave in and a
thousand odd years oak smashed into the ground with all the gravity
that had accumulated over the years, taking with it two more trees and
a ripping several branches from the others.
A few metres from the carnage Aleana rolled over her shoulder
and into a crouch, still clutching the sword with her left hand; her
opponent hadn't moved, the tree missing him by inches. She refused to
be impressed. For one thing, he hadn't moved because he had been
paralysed by fear - she could see it in his eyes - but that was only
part of it. Mostly, however, she refused to be impressed by that much
Nobody in his right mind would have risked a spell like that
once, for the fear of backfiring, but this boy, hardly dry behind the
ears, was throwing fireballs around by the dozen. Besides, he was
wielding his magic like a sledgehammer; no variety, no finesse, no
style and a complete lack of proportion. She started to get the
impression he only knew that one spell.
Aleana did a jump start, unfolding like a spring from her
crouched position and took cover behind a tree; another fireball
hitting the spot a split second later. This was getting tedious, but
it was meant to. It might have been years since she picked her sword
up, but it hadn't been idle years, and her patience had, if anything,
increased. Children did that to you, and Laiva, while not being
difficult, could be rather trying sometimes; she couldn't quite
picture this wannabe mage talking her daughter out of keeping a rat
for a pet. Not that he'd ever get a chance to lay his hands on her;
she would see to that.
A tremor passed through the tree she had chosen for cover as
yet another fireball smashed against it, streams of boiling hot air
passed Aleana to the left and right. Hitting the tree in front of her?
What was that supposed to achieve? Never mind, it was time to act.
The oak slowly tilted and then, with a snap, the it crashed
into the ground, away from her and towards the mage, who, this time,
had taken a few steps back. The more he was surprised, when something
suddenly jerked at his ankle he lost his footing. He just managed to
look down his leg and notice the faint tinkle of an expended spell
before he hit the ground; the next and last thing he saw was Aleana,
trusting the tip her her sword into his heart.
She pulled it out of the limp body and wiped the blade clean
on his clothes, before sheathing it carefully. This wasn't quite what
she had in mind, but in the end the result was the same: The bandits
wouldn't get Laiva in their fingers.
It had been bad luck paired with an evident lack of skill that
had costs the bandits their lives. Bad luck that they had decided to
waylay the road tonight and a lack of skill in waylaying. She had
spotted the sentries way before they noticed anything, and then it had
already been too late. Only the mage had given her a bit of trouble,
having decided to turn around at just the wrong moment.
Aleana let her eyes wander, taking in the destruction around
her. She didn't relish in taking lives, but it was probably for the
best. The magic fire had been too fast and too punctual to start any
forest fires, but sooner or later it would have happened, and then it
would not just have been Laiva's and her life on the line, but all
villages in the Southern Forest as well.
Without wasting time on death rites Aleana turned away and
backtracked her way to the road. Some performed them to prove the
world and themselves how good a person they were, some did them for
fear of the dead's wrath, but to Aleana the only reason had always
been showing her respects and these bandits didn't deserve them. She
had better things to do.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-09-15 11:28:34 UTC
Post by emmel
All right, here is the complete installment number 12. The usual
Comment, dammit!)
Mostly focusing on Aleana this time, but I still hope you'll enjoy it.
Oh, and I didn't really proof read, because... well, I'm a lazy,
feedback crazed madmen, you know.
The little arrow of pale blue light spun around its axis without being
able to decide on a bearing. Aleana visibly relaxed, the arrow fading
as her grip on the spell loosened. Laiva was alive, even when she
couldn't pinpoint her position. Deep down she knew she'd have known if
anything had happened to her little girl, but she had had to make
It was the smell that got to her. That sickly sweet stench
travelling with the smell of fire. She had long ago passed the point
when it made her stomach turn, but it still carried with it memories
the point where it made
Post by emmel
of things that Aleana would rather not have remembered. Slowly she
continued along the road, hand rested at the hilt of her sword.
A few minutes later she was standing in front of a heap that
had once been the inn. Even the roof with its massive support beams
hadn't lasted, being reduced to ashes as the rest of the house. The
to ashes, just like the rest
Post by emmel
chimney alone had survived the brunt of the fire, many of its stones
many of it's stones
Post by emmel
cracked, but still standing against the night sky like a finger raised
in warning.
By the looks of it, the rumours of bandits in the area where
true after all, and on top of that they had a mage among them; there
was no way that fire could have been natural. In a way fire had a
personality, an inherent pride - it wanted to be respected, admired.
Left to its own resources it would have left reminders of its force -
blackened planks, charred beams, half burned bits and pieces; the
destruction of the inn, in contrast, had been complete, and, if she
wasn't completely mistaken, far too fast. Too fast to get out in time.
'May your spirits bath in forgetfulness as your bodies
continue the eternal cycle.'
Aleana felt a pang of guilt for shortening the rites like
that, but she trusted the dead would understand. She simply didn't
have time to go looking for remains to bury, if there even was
anything besides ashes. All that mattered now was Laiva. Somewhere out
there was her little girl, on her own, with the only shelter far and
wide gone. She had to find her before any bandits stumbled over her.
Her poor little Laiva. All the thing she had to go through
because she had failed. Failed her. Laughed at her. She off all people
She of all people
Post by emmel
should have understood. The look on her face...
Not this time. She would find her, protect her, try to make
up. She could only hope Laiva would ever be able to forgive her.
Mynor jerked his eyes open and lifted his head. He let his senses
wander, but there was nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard and
nothing to be smelled out of the usual, but the slightly oily quality
of the world around left no doubt - there was magic in the air, and
plenty at that.
He looked at the child curled up against his side, but Laiva
was fast sleep, her breath deep and steady. A bit too fast for her own
good, but she would learn. The important bit, however, was that she
hadn't been the caster.
Seconds passed as if they were seconds - Mynor having a rather
acute sense of time - without anything happening, but he wasn't
prepared to relax yet. Magic at this scale usually had repercussions.
A few more seconds later he was proven right. The distortion
in the magic was huge, and it was coming from the direction of the
road. Laiva on his side stirred, but didn't wake. As exhausted as she
had been, even the magical equivalent of a thunderstorm couldn't rip
her out of her sleep. Mynor wanted to jump up, get moving, but he
couldn't just leave her, could he? Not with Laiva counting on him.
Dogs usually lick their owners faces if they want them to wake up ;-)
Post by emmel
Aleana dodged a fireball and a large chunk of tree trunk behind her
instantly combusted. The remaining wood creaked alarmingly under the
stress for a moment, then with one loud crack the wood gave in and a
thousand odd years oak smashed into the ground with all the gravity
that had accumulated over the years, taking with it two more trees and
a ripping several branches from the others.
A few metres from the carnage Aleana rolled over her shoulder
and into a crouch, still clutching the sword with her left hand; her
opponent hadn't moved, the tree missing him by inches. She refused to
be impressed. For one thing, he hadn't moved because he had been
paralysed by fear - she could see it in his eyes - but that was only
part of it. Mostly, however, she refused to be impressed by that much
Nobody in his right mind would have risked a spell like that
once, for the fear of backfiring, but this boy, hardly dry behind the
ears, was throwing fireballs around by the dozen. Besides, he was
wielding his magic like a sledgehammer; no variety, no finesse, no
style and a complete lack of proportion. She started to get the
impression he only knew that one spell.
Aleana did a jump start, unfolding like a spring from her
crouched position and took cover behind a tree; another fireball
hitting the spot a split second later. This was getting tedious, but
it was meant to. It might have been years since she picked her sword
up, but it hadn't been idle years, and her patience had, if anything,
increased. Children did that to you, and Laiva, while not being
difficult, could be rather trying sometimes; she couldn't quite
picture this wannabe mage talking her daughter out of keeping a rat
for a pet. Not that he'd ever get a chance to lay his hands on her;
she would see to that.
A tremor passed through the tree she had chosen for cover as
yet another fireball smashed against it, streams of boiling hot air
passed Aleana to the left and right. Hitting the tree in front of her?
What was that supposed to achieve? Never mind, it was time to act.
The oak slowly tilted and then, with a snap, the it crashed
into the ground, away from her and towards the mage, who, this time,
had taken a few steps back. The more he was surprised, when something
the more surprised he was
Post by emmel
suddenly jerked at his ankle he lost his footing. He just managed to
and he lost his footing.
Post by emmel
look down his leg and notice the faint tinkle of an expended spell
before he hit the ground; the next and last thing he saw was Aleana,
trusting the tip her her sword into his heart.
Psycho mum! Kill any boyfriend wannabies coming near her little girl.
Post by emmel
She pulled it out of the limp body and wiped the blade clean
on his clothes, before sheathing it carefully. This wasn't quite what
she had in mind, but in the end the result was the same: The bandits
wouldn't get Laiva in their fingers.
It had been bad luck paired with an evident lack of skill that
had costs the bandits their lives. Bad luck that they had decided to
bandits, plural? How did she kill the other ones?
Post by emmel
waylay the road tonight and a lack of skill in waylaying. She had
spotted the sentries way before they noticed anything, and then it had
already been too late. Only the mage had given her a bit of trouble,
having decided to turn around at just the wrong moment.
Aleana let her eyes wander, taking in the destruction around
her. She didn't relish in taking lives, but it was probably for the
best. The magic fire had been too fast and too punctual to start any
forest fires, but sooner or later it would have happened, and then it
would not just have been Laiva's and her life on the line, but all
villages in the Southern Forest as well.
Without wasting time on death rites Aleana turned away and
backtracked her way to the road. Some performed them to prove the
Some performed the rites, would seem clearer to me.
Post by emmel
world and themselves how good a person they were, some did them for
fear of the dead's wrath, but to Aleana the only reason had always
been showing her respects and these bandits didn't deserve them. She
had better things to do.
Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-09-16 10:21:26 UTC
And when it was 2008-09-15, illusion
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
All right, here is the complete installment number 12. The usual
Comment, dammit!)
Mostly focusing on Aleana this time, but I still hope you'll enjoy it.
Oh, and I didn't really proof read, because... well, I'm a lazy,
feedback crazed madmen, you know.
The little arrow of pale blue light spun around its axis without being
able to decide on a bearing. Aleana visibly relaxed, the arrow fading
as her grip on the spell loosened. Laiva was alive, even when she
couldn't pinpoint her position. Deep down she knew she'd have known if
anything had happened to her little girl, but she had had to make
It was the smell that got to her. That sickly sweet stench
travelling with the smell of fire. She had long ago passed the point
when it made her stomach turn, but it still carried with it memories
the point where it made
Yes, sounds better. I do wonder, why the more temporal - and thus more
fitting in this case - when doesn't work out.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
of things that Aleana would rather not have remembered. Slowly she
continued along the road, hand rested at the hilt of her sword.
A few minutes later she was standing in front of a heap that
had once been the inn. Even the roof with its massive support beams
hadn't lasted, being reduced to ashes as the rest of the house. The
to ashes, just like the rest
'like', no 'just'.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
chimney alone had survived the brunt of the fire, many of its stones
many of it's stones
Erm, yes, of course.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
cracked, but still standing against the night sky like a finger raised
in warning.
By the looks of it, the rumours of bandits in the area where
true after all, and on top of that they had a mage among them; there
was no way that fire could have been natural. In a way fire had a
personality, an inherent pride - it wanted to be respected, admired.
Left to its own resources it would have left reminders of its force -
blackened planks, charred beams, half burned bits and pieces; the
destruction of the inn, in contrast, had been complete, and, if she
wasn't completely mistaken, far too fast. Too fast to get out in time.
'May your spirits bath in forgetfulness as your bodies
continue the eternal cycle.'
Aleana felt a pang of guilt for shortening the rites like
that, but she trusted the dead would understand. She simply didn't
have time to go looking for remains to bury, if there even was
anything besides ashes. All that mattered now was Laiva. Somewhere out
there was her little girl, on her own, with the only shelter far and
wide gone. She had to find her before any bandits stumbled over her.
Her poor little Laiva. All the thing she had to go through
because she had failed. Failed her. Laughed at her. She off all people
She of all people
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
should have understood. The look on her face...
Not this time. She would find her, protect her, try to make
up. She could only hope Laiva would ever be able to forgive her.
Mynor jerked his eyes open and lifted his head. He let his senses
wander, but there was nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard and
nothing to be smelled out of the usual, but the slightly oily quality
of the world around left no doubt - there was magic in the air, and
plenty at that.
He looked at the child curled up against his side, but Laiva
was fast sleep, her breath deep and steady. A bit too fast for her own
good, but she would learn. The important bit, however, was that she
hadn't been the caster.
Seconds passed as if they were seconds - Mynor having a rather
acute sense of time - without anything happening, but he wasn't
prepared to relax yet. Magic at this scale usually had repercussions.
A few more seconds later he was proven right. The distortion
in the magic was huge, and it was coming from the direction of the
road. Laiva on his side stirred, but didn't wake. As exhausted as she
had been, even the magical equivalent of a thunderstorm couldn't rip
her out of her sleep. Mynor wanted to jump up, get moving, but he
couldn't just leave her, could he? Not with Laiva counting on him.
Dogs usually lick their owners faces if they want them to wake up ;-)
Ignoring for a moment that Mynor is not a dog, and that he would
actually nudge her with his snout rather than lick her face, because
that's what he'd do when he wanted to wake her up... He doesn't *want*
to wake her up.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aleana dodged a fireball and a large chunk of tree trunk behind her
instantly combusted. The remaining wood creaked alarmingly under the
stress for a moment, then with one loud crack the wood gave in and a
thousand odd years oak smashed into the ground with all the gravity
that had accumulated over the years, taking with it two more trees and
a ripping several branches from the others.
A few metres from the carnage Aleana rolled over her shoulder
and into a crouch, still clutching the sword with her left hand; her
opponent hadn't moved, the tree missing him by inches. She refused to
be impressed. For one thing, he hadn't moved because he had been
paralysed by fear - she could see it in his eyes - but that was only
part of it. Mostly, however, she refused to be impressed by that much
Nobody in his right mind would have risked a spell like that
once, for the fear of backfiring, but this boy, hardly dry behind the
ears, was throwing fireballs around by the dozen. Besides, he was
wielding his magic like a sledgehammer; no variety, no finesse, no
style and a complete lack of proportion. She started to get the
impression he only knew that one spell.
Aleana did a jump start, unfolding like a spring from her
crouched position and took cover behind a tree; another fireball
hitting the spot a split second later. This was getting tedious, but
it was meant to. It might have been years since she picked her sword
up, but it hadn't been idle years, and her patience had, if anything,
increased. Children did that to you, and Laiva, while not being
difficult, could be rather trying sometimes; she couldn't quite
picture this wannabe mage talking her daughter out of keeping a rat
for a pet. Not that he'd ever get a chance to lay his hands on her;
she would see to that.
A tremor passed through the tree she had chosen for cover as
yet another fireball smashed against it, streams of boiling hot air
passed Aleana to the left and right. Hitting the tree in front of her?
What was that supposed to achieve? Never mind, it was time to act.
The oak slowly tilted and then, with a snap, the it crashed
into the ground, away from her and towards the mage, who, this time,
had taken a few steps back. The more he was surprised, when something
the more surprised he was
Yikes. Thanks.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
suddenly jerked at his ankle he lost his footing. He just managed to
and he lost his footing.
Post by emmel
look down his leg and notice the faint tinkle of an expended spell
before he hit the ground; the next and last thing he saw was Aleana,
trusting the tip her her sword into his heart.
Psycho mum! Kill any boyfriend wannabies coming near her little girl.
Yeah. I can almost picture the scene...

Jenn gently held her back with his strong arms, his familiar grip
calming her down.
'Let me deal with him.' he said, kissing her on the top of the
Aleana turned around and looked into his kind dark eyes.
'But...' she started, but Jenn wouldn't have any of that. He
gently pressed his finger on her mouth.
'I won't have any of that, hon. It took four days to get the
blood strains out of the carpet last time. And the boys want to come
over tonight for cards. They always get itchy when there are bits of
brain on the walls...'
Aleana sighed. She knew when she had lost. How did it come that
he could play her like an instrument? He was probably right, though, she
tended to make a mess.
Jenn let go of her and went through the door. She listened to
the conversation outside, with Laiva complaining at the top of her voice
as her father declared he's take the young man for a walk. Aleana stared
at the spot where Jenn's axe was hanging on the wall when he didn't need
it. There would be some wailing the next couple of days, but Laiva would
get over it eventually. She always did.

Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She pulled it out of the limp body and wiped the blade clean
on his clothes, before sheathing it carefully. This wasn't quite what
she had in mind, but in the end the result was the same: The bandits
wouldn't get Laiva in their fingers.
It had been bad luck paired with an evident lack of skill that
had costs the bandits their lives. Bad luck that they had decided to
bandits, plural? How did she kill the other ones?
I hope that question is answered once you reach the bottom, please tell
me if not.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
waylay the road tonight and a lack of skill in waylaying. She had
spotted the sentries way before they noticed anything, and then it had
already been too late. Only the mage had given her a bit of trouble,
having decided to turn around at just the wrong moment.
Aleana let her eyes wander, taking in the destruction around
her. She didn't relish in taking lives, but it was probably for the
best. The magic fire had been too fast and too punctual to start any
forest fires, but sooner or later it would have happened, and then it
would not just have been Laiva's and her life on the line, but all
villages in the Southern Forest as well.
Without wasting time on death rites Aleana turned away and
backtracked her way to the road. Some performed them to prove the
Some performed the rites, would seem clearer to me.
Sounds reasonable.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
world and themselves how good a person they were, some did them for
fear of the dead's wrath, but to Aleana the only reason had always
been showing her respects and these bandits didn't deserve them. She
had better things to do.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-09-20 17:33:50 UTC
Post by emmel
And when it was 2008-09-15, illusion
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
look down his leg and notice the faint tinkle of an expended spell
before he hit the ground; the next and last thing he saw was Aleana,
trusting the tip her her sword into his heart.
Psycho mum! Kill any boyfriend wannabies coming near her little girl.
Yeah. I can almost picture the scene...
Jenn gently held her back with his strong arms, his familiar grip
calming her down.
'Let me deal with him.' he said, kissing her on the top of the
Aleana turned around and looked into his kind dark eyes.
'But...' she started, but Jenn wouldn't have any of that. He
gently pressed his finger on her mouth.
'I won't have any of that, hon. It took four days to get the
blood strains out of the carpet last time. And the boys want to come
over tonight for cards. They always get itchy when there are bits of
brain on the walls...'
Aleana sighed. She knew when she had lost. How did it come that
he could play her like an instrument? He was probably right, though, she
tended to make a mess.
Jenn let go of her and went through the door. She listened to
the conversation outside, with Laiva complaining at the top of her voice
as her father declared he's take the young man for a walk. Aleana stared
at the spot where Jenn's axe was hanging on the wall when he didn't need
it. There would be some wailing the next couple of days, but Laiva would
get over it eventually. She always did.
You know she is going to grow up one day. And leave the house and stuff.
And find a boyfriend, get married and kill anyone that touches her children!

Frankly, I think having your mum kill your first boyfriend can kind of
mess a little girl up in her brains. She is going to have revenge, and
people are going to suffer. And it will be messy too ;-)

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-09-22 06:58:39 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
And when it was 2008-09-15, illusion
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
look down his leg and notice the faint tinkle of an expended spell
before he hit the ground; the next and last thing he saw was Aleana,
trusting the tip her her sword into his heart.
Psycho mum! Kill any boyfriend wannabies coming near her little girl.
Yeah. I can almost picture the scene...
Jenn gently held her back with his strong arms, his familiar grip
calming her down.
'Let me deal with him.' he said, kissing her on the top of the
Aleana turned around and looked into his kind dark eyes.
'But...' she started, but Jenn wouldn't have any of that. He
gently pressed his finger on her mouth.
'I won't have any of that, hon. It took four days to get the
blood strains out of the carpet last time. And the boys want to come
over tonight for cards. They always get itchy when there are bits of
brain on the walls...'
Aleana sighed. She knew when she had lost. How did it come that
he could play her like an instrument? He was probably right, though, she
tended to make a mess.
Jenn let go of her and went through the door. She listened to
the conversation outside, with Laiva complaining at the top of her voice
as her father declared he's take the young man for a walk. Aleana stared
at the spot where Jenn's axe was hanging on the wall when he didn't need
it. There would be some wailing the next couple of days, but Laiva would
get over it eventually. She always did.
You know she is going to grow up one day. And leave the house and stuff.
And find a boyfriend, get married and kill anyone that touches her children!
Frankly, I think having your mum kill your first boyfriend can kind of
mess a little girl up in her brains. She is going to have revenge, and
people are going to suffer. And it will be messy too ;-)
Well, fortunately it won't get to that. Aleana is actually quite a nice
person when you get to know her. Besides, she'd trust her daughter to be
perfectly capable of getting of any boyfriends that don't play by the
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-09-22 11:59:36 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
And when it was 2008-09-15, illusion
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
look down his leg and notice the faint tinkle of an expended spell
before he hit the ground; the next and last thing he saw was Aleana,
trusting the tip her her sword into his heart.
Psycho mum! Kill any boyfriend wannabies coming near her little girl.
Yeah. I can almost picture the scene...
Jenn gently held her back with his strong arms, his familiar grip
calming her down.
'Let me deal with him.' he said, kissing her on the top of the
Aleana turned around and looked into his kind dark eyes.
'But...' she started, but Jenn wouldn't have any of that. He
gently pressed his finger on her mouth.
'I won't have any of that, hon. It took four days to get the
blood strains out of the carpet last time. And the boys want to come
over tonight for cards. They always get itchy when there are bits of
brain on the walls...'
Aleana sighed. She knew when she had lost. How did it come that
he could play her like an instrument? He was probably right, though, she
tended to make a mess.
Jenn let go of her and went through the door. She listened to
the conversation outside, with Laiva complaining at the top of her voice
as her father declared he's take the young man for a walk. Aleana stared
at the spot where Jenn's axe was hanging on the wall when he didn't need
it. There would be some wailing the next couple of days, but Laiva would
get over it eventually. She always did.
You know she is going to grow up one day. And leave the house and stuff.
And find a boyfriend, get married and kill anyone that touches her children!
Frankly, I think having your mum kill your first boyfriend can kind of
mess a little girl up in her brains. She is going to have revenge, and
people are going to suffer. And it will be messy too ;-)
Well, fortunately it won't get to that. Aleana is actually quite a nice
person when you get to know her. Besides, she'd trust her daughter to be
perfectly capable of getting of any boyfriends that don't play by the
That don't play by her rules :-)

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-09-23 07:43:34 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
You know she is going to grow up one day. And leave the house and stuff.
And find a boyfriend, get married and kill anyone that touches her children!
Frankly, I think having your mum kill your first boyfriend can kind of
mess a little girl up in her brains. She is going to have revenge, and
people are going to suffer. And it will be messy too ;-)
Well, fortunately it won't get to that. Aleana is actually quite a nice
person when you get to know her. Besides, she'd trust her daughter to be
perfectly capable of getting of any boyfriends that don't play by the
That don't play by her rules :-)
Yes, Laiva's rules.

BTW: did you have any intention to comment on /the/ /other/ /story/? You
can tell me if you don't like it, but having it hang in the air
unnoticed and me not knowing why is... not exactly in my comfort zone.
So if you don't care for it just tell me.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-09-23 08:41:04 UTC
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a slating. The only
thing positive: 'It's not completely unreadable.' Meaning decipherable.
Makes me wonder what the hell I am doing. I might as well give up now.
Sorry for bitching around, but I needed to get that off my
chest. Not that anyone cares.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-09-23 15:31:03 UTC
Post by emmel
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a slating. The
only thing positive: 'It's not completely unreadable.' Meaning
decipherable. Makes me wonder what the hell I am doing. I might as
well give up now. Sorry for bitching around, but I needed to get that
off my chest. Not that anyone cares.
What's this about a review? I'd give you a hug, but it might feel like a
really big python closing in on you.

You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the courage up to
put my art on the chopping block. I end up just making a bunch of things
for my own amusement.
2008-09-24 07:37:07 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a slating. The
only thing positive: 'It's not completely unreadable.' Meaning
decipherable. Makes me wonder what the hell I am doing. I might as
well give up now. Sorry for bitching around, but I needed to get that
off my chest. Not that anyone cares.
What's this about a review? I'd give you a hug, but it might feel like a
really big python closing in on you.
Well, probably not you, but figuratively...


Problem is, the name carries some weight. She can write and write well.
She also has a point. On the other hand she is completely off the track
as far as Laiva's motives are concerned and I get the slight but
distinct feeling that most of the spelling mistakes are more of a
language barrier than actually wrong spelling. I *did* use a spell
checker after all.
Post by Red Dragon
You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the courage up to
put my art on the chopping block.
Share? Please? I promise I won't chop more than a tiny little bit...
Post by Red Dragon
I end up just making a bunch of things for my own amusement.
There's nothing wrong in that. Seriously, though, all the courage stems
from AGC really. It's the people and friendly atmosphere around here
that made me do it.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-09-25 04:59:30 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a slating.
The only thing positive: 'It's not completely unreadable.'
Meaning decipherable. Makes me wonder what the hell I am doing. I
might as well give up now. Sorry for bitching around, but I
needed to get that off my chest. Not that anyone cares.
What's this about a review? I'd give you a hug, but it might feel
like a really big python closing in on you.
Well, probably not you, but figuratively...
Problem is, the name carries some weight. She can write and write
well. She also has a point. On the other hand she is completely off
the track as far as Laiva's motives are concerned and I get the
slight but distinct feeling that most of the spelling mistakes are
more of a language barrier than actually wrong spelling. I *did* use
a spell checker after all.
The problem may stem from spelling words correctly, but making common
mix-ups that even native speakers make. An example such as 'your' and
'you're' is made uncomfortably frequently here.

Maybe I should go through the archives really thoroughly and see if I
can help at all...
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the courage up
to put my art on the chopping block.
Share? Please? I promise I won't chop more than a tiny little bit...
Well, I'd have to have something available. My specialty is computer
graphics and game levels, and I lost most of my stuff in a head crash. I
miss my C2 flagship norn, which were little red dragonish things.

Everything else I have is on physical media, and all for school.

Maybe I should try again with the C2 norns...
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
I end up just making a bunch of things for my own amusement.
There's nothing wrong in that. Seriously, though, all the courage
stems from AGC really. It's the people and friendly atmosphere around
here that made me do it.
2008-09-25 07:51:06 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a slating.
The only thing positive: 'It's not completely unreadable.'
Meaning decipherable. Makes me wonder what the hell I am doing. I
might as well give up now. Sorry for bitching around, but I
needed to get that off my chest. Not that anyone cares.
What's this about a review? I'd give you a hug, but it might feel
like a really big python closing in on you.
Well, probably not you, but figuratively...
Problem is, the name carries some weight. She can write and write
well. She also has a point. On the other hand she is completely off
the track as far as Laiva's motives are concerned and I get the
slight but distinct feeling that most of the spelling mistakes are
more of a language barrier than actually wrong spelling. I *did* use
a spell checker after all.
The problem may stem from spelling words correctly, but making common
mix-ups that even native speakers make. An example such as 'your' and
'you're' is made uncomfortably frequently here.
Well, yes, but there shouldn't really be that many in there to be
explicitly mentioned.
Post by Red Dragon
Maybe I should go through the archives really thoroughly and see if I
can help at all...
I would appreciate that, although things might be easier for you if I
just mailed you the whole thing in ascii (actually UTF-8 nowadays, not
that there is any difference)?
This way you could just fire up the editor of your choice and write and
corrections in between. I always liked how usenet posts enabled you to
do that kind of thing.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the courage up
to put my art on the chopping block.
Share? Please? I promise I won't chop more than a tiny little bit...
Well, I'd have to have something available. My specialty is computer
graphics and game levels, and I lost most of my stuff in a head crash. I
miss my C2 flagship norn, which were little red dragonish things.
Everything else I have is on physical media, and all for school.
Maybe I should try again with the C2 norns...
Shame that C1 and C2 will never run properly on wine. Nobody seems to
care about implementing that OLE stuff they used to a degree that'd make
the games work properly :-(
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-09-25 15:27:54 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a
slating. The only thing positive: 'It's not completely
unreadable.' Meaning decipherable. Makes me wonder what the
hell I am doing. I might as well give up now. Sorry for
bitching around, but I needed to get that off my chest. Not
that anyone cares.
What's this about a review? I'd give you a hug, but it might
feel like a really big python closing in on you.
Well, probably not you, but figuratively...
Problem is, the name carries some weight. She can write and write
well. She also has a point. On the other hand she is completely
off the track as far as Laiva's motives are concerned and I get
the slight but distinct feeling that most of the spelling
mistakes are more of a language barrier than actually wrong
spelling. I *did* use a spell checker after all.
The problem may stem from spelling words correctly, but making
common mix-ups that even native speakers make. An example such as
'your' and 'you're' is made uncomfortably frequently here.
Well, yes, but there shouldn't really be that many in there to be
explicitly mentioned.
I wouldn't think so, which is why I'm curious to see if I can find out
what she was talking about.
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Maybe I should go through the archives really thoroughly and see if
I can help at all...
I would appreciate that, although things might be easier for you if I
just mailed you the whole thing in ascii (actually UTF-8 nowadays,
not that there is any difference)? This way you could just fire up
the editor of your choice and write and corrections in between. I
always liked how usenet posts enabled you to do that kind of thing.
That probably would be easier. What version was reviewed exactly?
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the
courage up to put my art on the chopping block.
Share? Please? I promise I won't chop more than a tiny little bit...
Well, I'd have to have something available. My specialty is
computer graphics and game levels, and I lost most of my stuff in a
head crash. I miss my C2 flagship norn, which were little red
dragonish things.
Everything else I have is on physical media, and all for school.
Maybe I should try again with the C2 norns...
Shame that C1 and C2 will never run properly on wine. Nobody seems to
care about implementing that OLE stuff they used to a degree that'd
make the games work properly :-(
Ah, so it would appear that norn would still be for my own amusement. :P

I wonder if my school page is still up... That had a picture of my norn
and a couple other pieces of mine in a collage.
2008-09-26 07:54:42 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a
slating. The only thing positive: 'It's not completely
unreadable.' Meaning decipherable. Makes me wonder what the
hell I am doing. I might as well give up now. Sorry for
bitching around, but I needed to get that off my chest. Not
that anyone cares.
What's this about a review? I'd give you a hug, but it might
feel like a really big python closing in on you.
Well, probably not you, but figuratively...
Problem is, the name carries some weight. She can write and write
well. She also has a point. On the other hand she is completely
off the track as far as Laiva's motives are concerned and I get
the slight but distinct feeling that most of the spelling
mistakes are more of a language barrier than actually wrong
spelling. I *did* use a spell checker after all.
The problem may stem from spelling words correctly, but making
common mix-ups that even native speakers make. An example such as
'your' and 'you're' is made uncomfortably frequently here.
Well, yes, but there shouldn't really be that many in there to be
explicitly mentioned.
I wouldn't think so, which is why I'm curious to see if I can find out
what she was talking about.
If you find out, tell me. I can't really imagine her choking on the
AE/BE difference, but that's the only thing I can think of.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Maybe I should go through the archives really thoroughly and see if
I can help at all...
I would appreciate that, although things might be easier for you if I
just mailed you the whole thing in ascii (actually UTF-8 nowadays,
not that there is any difference)? This way you could just fire up
the editor of your choice and write and corrections in between. I
always liked how usenet posts enabled you to do that kind of thing.
That probably would be easier. What version was reviewed exactly?
I'll mail it to you right away. About the version... I don't really
know, I don't keep it in a versioning system. I changed two or three
sentences in reaction to the whole deus-ex-machina thing and to make the
laughing stuff hopefully clearer, but that ought to be just about
anything that has changed since. Oh, and I recently changed a number of
-zation to -sation.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the
courage up to put my art on the chopping block.
Share? Please? I promise I won't chop more than a tiny little bit...
Well, I'd have to have something available. My specialty is
computer graphics and game levels, and I lost most of my stuff in a
head crash. I miss my C2 flagship norn, which were little red
dragonish things.
Everything else I have is on physical media, and all for school.
Maybe I should try again with the C2 norns...
Shame that C1 and C2 will never run properly on wine. Nobody seems to
care about implementing that OLE stuff they used to a degree that'd
make the games work properly :-(
Ah, so it would appear that norn would still be for my own amusement. :P
I wonder if my school page is still up... That had a picture of my norn
and a couple other pieces of mine in a collage.
Well, check it out. And tell us.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-09-25 18:48:33 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the courage up
to put my art on the chopping block.
Share? Please? I promise I won't chop more than a tiny little bit...
Well, I'd have to have something available. My specialty is computer
graphics and game levels, and I lost most of my stuff in a head crash. I
miss my C2 flagship norn, which were little red dragonish things.
Everything else I have is on physical media, and all for school.
Maybe I should try again with the C2 norns...
Check out
http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=ftr-creature%3Aview-top_rated Red
Dragon! There are a lot of Red Dragons in it too! (And weird looking cats).

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-09-26 08:12:12 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the courage up
to put my art on the chopping block.
Share? Please? I promise I won't chop more than a tiny little bit...
Well, I'd have to have something available. My specialty is computer
graphics and game levels, and I lost most of my stuff in a head crash. I
miss my C2 flagship norn, which were little red dragonish things.
Everything else I have is on physical media, and all for school.
Maybe I should try again with the C2 norns...
Check out
http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=ftr-creature%3Aview-top_rated Red
Dragon! There are a lot of Red Dragons in it too! (And weird looking cats).
Too freaking big page.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-09-26 15:31:19 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
You're a braver soul than I though. I can't even get the
courage up to put my art on the chopping block.
Share? Please? I promise I won't chop more than a tiny little bit...
Well, I'd have to have something available. My specialty is
computer graphics and game levels, and I lost most of my stuff in a
head crash. I miss my C2 flagship norn, which were little red
dragonish things.
Everything else I have is on physical media, and all for school.
Maybe I should try again with the C2 norns...
Check out
http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=ftr-creature%3Aview-top_rated Red
Dragon! There are a lot of Red Dragons in it too! (And weird looking cats).
Haha! I've seen some of those my game.

I love making stuff in that game. The first creatures I made look...
just like... Dragon Norns...


2008-09-23 16:05:56 UTC
Post by emmel
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a slating. The only
thing positive: 'It's not completely unreadable.' Meaning decipherable.
Makes me wonder what the hell I am doing. I might as well give up now.
Sorry for bitching around, but I needed to get that off my
chest. Not that anyone cares.
Look at it this way: People start reading your blog! I would never have
thought that would happen. There is an actual chance that people outside
our little circle of three read your stories! You might be the next J.K.

At least you don't give money to the party that destroyed much of the
freedom British citizens had before Tony Blair came to power. You have
that on her ;-)

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-09-24 07:58:22 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Figures. The only review of ATC on the net and it's a slating. The only
thing positive: 'It's not completely unreadable.' Meaning decipherable.
Makes me wonder what the hell I am doing. I might as well give up now.
Sorry for bitching around, but I needed to get that off my
chest. Not that anyone cares.
Look at it this way: People start reading your blog! I would never have
Well, I did register in a few lists... (Two. Someone seems to have put
me into a third, but they have claimed the update schedule is annually -
and Aya is fantasy...)
Post by Neo
thought that would happen. There is an actual chance that people outside
our little circle of three read your stories!
No doubt about that. There are a few odd comments on the blog that
suggest so.
Post by Neo
You might be the next J.K. Rowling!
Oh, some on. On the other hand I'd have to make up a middle initial,
too... No, seriously.
Post by Neo
At least you don't give money to the party that destroyed much of the
freedom British citizens had before Tony Blair came to power. You have
that on her ;-)
Not yet, but then again I'm short a couple of millions ATM.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-09-23 16:01:30 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
You know she is going to grow up one day. And leave the house and stuff.
And find a boyfriend, get married and kill anyone that touches her children!
Frankly, I think having your mum kill your first boyfriend can kind of
mess a little girl up in her brains. She is going to have revenge, and
people are going to suffer. And it will be messy too ;-)
Well, fortunately it won't get to that. Aleana is actually quite a nice
person when you get to know her. Besides, she'd trust her daughter to be
perfectly capable of getting of any boyfriends that don't play by the
That don't play by her rules :-)
Yes, Laiva's rules.
BTW: did you have any intention to comment on /the/ /other/ /story/? You
can tell me if you don't like it, but having it hang in the air
unnoticed and me not knowing why is... not exactly in my comfort zone.
So if you don't care for it just tell me.
Hey! I have to work with a pre-multitasking OS in my head! I just want
ATCv2 #12 wrapped up before I start on anything new. I have these
emotions you know. And ATC and Aya produce different chemicals in my
head. Like Laiva is a child with a fluffy pet wolf. And Aya is a melee
fighting grown up woman dressed is some sort of latex outfit who belongs
to a gang of thieves of some sort!

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-09-24 07:44:51 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
You know she is going to grow up one day. And leave the house and stuff.
And find a boyfriend, get married and kill anyone that touches her children!
Frankly, I think having your mum kill your first boyfriend can kind of
mess a little girl up in her brains. She is going to have revenge, and
people are going to suffer. And it will be messy too ;-)
Well, fortunately it won't get to that. Aleana is actually quite a nice
person when you get to know her. Besides, she'd trust her daughter to be
perfectly capable of getting of any boyfriends that don't play by the
That don't play by her rules :-)
Yes, Laiva's rules.
BTW: did you have any intention to comment on /the/ /other/ /story/? You
can tell me if you don't like it, but having it hang in the air
unnoticed and me not knowing why is... not exactly in my comfort zone.
So if you don't care for it just tell me.
Hey! I have to work with a pre-multitasking OS in my head! I just want
ATCv2 #12 wrapped up before I start on anything new. I have these
emotions you know. And ATC and Aya produce different chemicals in my
Oh well, that's all right then. I was just wondering (and biting my
fingernails down to nill [2]).
Post by Neo
Like Laiva is a child with a fluffy pet wolf.
Don't let that hear him...
Post by Neo
And Aya is a melee fighting
Rarely, and only when she is guaranteed to win.
Post by Neo
grown up woman
She'd seventeen, but yeah, pretty much.
Post by Neo
dressed is some sort of latex outfit
Not latex. Some resemblance to spandex, I think, although only wears it
when she need supreme moveability and nobody can see her. She's actually
more the jeans, sneakers and sweatshirt type.
Post by Neo
who belongs to a gang of thieves of some sort!
More or less. No gang.

Sorry for the not picking.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.