[Story] A(ya's) ghost story, part 1
(too old to reply)
2008-12-04 23:20:43 UTC
It was a warm and sunny day. Aya couldn't remember the last time she
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
had been glued onto it. And she knew the picture, she knew it only to
well; it was the one that stood on her desk.
A tear run down her cheek as the face cracked and peeled off
like a layer of old paint, leaving behind nothing but a blank space.
She had forgotten how her mother looked like, all she could remember
anymore were the pictures. One tear became many and Aya let them run.
Her dream abruptly ended by a high pitched scream. She opened
her eyes - and faced darkness. She wiped the tears from her eyes with
the end of her sleeve, but to no avail. The darkness prevailed.
She didn't sound afraid, but there was a certain amount of
urgency in Kay's voice... Right. Kay. Slumberparty. Designated
babysitter. And she was sitting in what felt suspiciously like the
large leather armchair in the living room - the real thing, mind you,
not faux leather junk. She groped for the reading lamp to her right
and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She flipped it again and
everything was as before. So either the lamp was broken or the power
had failed leaving the whole flat in the dark... Kay!
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
into a fight with a book. That stupid thing had to have slipped from
her lap and in the darkness she had tripped over it.
This time Kay did sounds somewhat scared. There was no way she
hadn't heard her hitting the ground, and who knew what her imagination
made of that.
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
Out loud she said:
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-11 20:26:12 UTC
Post by emmel
It was a warm and sunny day. Aya couldn't remember the last time she
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
Her face. You don't call your mother an 'it' :-)
Post by emmel
had been glued onto it. And she knew the picture, she knew it only to
well; it was the one that stood on her desk.
A tear run down her cheek as the face cracked and peeled off
A tear ran down
Post by emmel
like a layer of old paint, leaving behind nothing but a blank space.
She had forgotten how her mother looked like, all she could remember
what her mother looked like
Post by emmel
anymore were the pictures. One tear became many and Aya let them run.
Her dream abruptly ended by a high pitched scream. She opened
her eyes - and faced darkness. She wiped the tears from her eyes with
the end of her sleeve, but to no avail. The darkness prevailed.
She didn't sound afraid, but there was a certain amount of
urgency in Kay's voice... Right. Kay. Slumberparty. Designated
babysitter. And she was sitting in what felt suspiciously like the
large leather armchair in the living room - the real thing, mind you,
not faux leather junk. She groped for the reading lamp to her right
and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She flipped it again and
everything was as before. So either the lamp was broken or the power
had failed leaving the whole flat in the dark... Kay!
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
attack, launched hers
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
Post by emmel
into a fight with a book. That stupid thing had to have slipped from
her lap and in the darkness she had tripped over it.
This time Kay did sounds somewhat scared. There was no way she
hadn't heard her hitting the ground, and who knew what her imagination
made of that.
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-16 14:16:30 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
It was a warm and sunny day. Aya couldn't remember the last time she
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
Her face. You don't call your mother an 'it' :-)
Where did I write 'it'?
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
had been glued onto it. And she knew the picture, she knew it only to
well; it was the one that stood on her desk.
A tear run down her cheek as the face cracked and peeled off
A tear ran down
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
like a layer of old paint, leaving behind nothing but a blank space.
She had forgotten how her mother looked like, all she could remember
what her mother looked like
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
anymore were the pictures. One tear became many and Aya let them run.
Her dream abruptly ended by a high pitched scream. She opened
her eyes - and faced darkness. She wiped the tears from her eyes with
the end of her sleeve, but to no avail. The darkness prevailed.
She didn't sound afraid, but there was a certain amount of
urgency in Kay's voice... Right. Kay. Slumberparty. Designated
babysitter. And she was sitting in what felt suspiciously like the
large leather armchair in the living room - the real thing, mind you,
not faux leather junk. She groped for the reading lamp to her right
and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She flipped it again and
everything was as before. So either the lamp was broken or the power
had failed leaving the whole flat in the dark... Kay!
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
attack, launched hers
Actually more like 'herself'.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
OK, maybe I just made that idiom up... Any dragons around wanting to be
helpful? Please?
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
into a fight with a book. That stupid thing had to have slipped from
her lap and in the darkness she had tripped over it.
This time Kay did sounds somewhat scared. There was no way she
hadn't heard her hitting the ground, and who knew what her imagination
made of that.
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?

Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...

( ) Promising.
( ) Intriguing.
( ) Mildly interesting.
( ) Crap.
( ) Crappy, as usual.
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
( ) Can't be bothered.
( ) Other: ____________________________
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-16 14:21:10 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
It was a warm and sunny day. Aya couldn't remember the last time she
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
Her face. You don't call your mother an 'it' :-)
Where did I write 'it'?
The smile. The is gender neutral if you asked me.
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
had been glued onto it. And she knew the picture, she knew it only to
well; it was the one that stood on her desk.
A tear run down her cheek as the face cracked and peeled off
A tear ran down
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
like a layer of old paint, leaving behind nothing but a blank space.
She had forgotten how her mother looked like, all she could remember
what her mother looked like
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
anymore were the pictures. One tear became many and Aya let them run.
Her dream abruptly ended by a high pitched scream. She opened
her eyes - and faced darkness. She wiped the tears from her eyes with
the end of her sleeve, but to no avail. The darkness prevailed.
She didn't sound afraid, but there was a certain amount of
urgency in Kay's voice... Right. Kay. Slumberparty. Designated
babysitter. And she was sitting in what felt suspiciously like the
large leather armchair in the living room - the real thing, mind you,
not faux leather junk. She groped for the reading lamp to her right
and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She flipped it again and
everything was as before. So either the lamp was broken or the power
had failed leaving the whole flat in the dark... Kay!
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
attack, launched hers
Actually more like 'herself'.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
OK, maybe I just made that idiom up... Any dragons around wanting to be
helpful? Please?
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
into a fight with a book. That stupid thing had to have slipped from
her lap and in the darkness she had tripped over it.
This time Kay did sounds somewhat scared. There was no way she
hadn't heard her hitting the ground, and who knew what her imagination
made of that.
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?
Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-16 18:17:14 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
It was a warm and sunny day. Aya couldn't remember the last time she
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
Her face. You don't call your mother an 'it' :-)
Where did I write 'it'?
The smile. The is gender neutral if you asked me.
Yeah, gender neutral, not neutral gender. Mind the difference. It *does*
sound a bit detached, I have to admit, but I think that's actually
appropriate here.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?
So? What *were* you talking about?
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
<g> Yes, I guess you are right. Maybe I should add these on a regular
basis. With a note saying "check (asterisk) as appropriate", though.
Post by Neo
Careful with these. Russia is watching you ;-)
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-16 18:56:43 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
It was a warm and sunny day. Aya couldn't remember the last time she
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
Her face. You don't call your mother an 'it' :-)
Where did I write 'it'?
The smile. The is gender neutral if you asked me.
Yeah? English is mostly made up of gender-neutral words. The sentence is
perfectly correct. Objects are never associated with a gender, even if
the 'object' is attached to someone.

I am curious to know now what word you would possibly substitute. I
mean, I guess 'her smile was fixed' would work too, but how it is works
just fine.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
had been glued onto it. And she knew the picture, she knew it only to
well; it was the one that stood on her desk.
A tear run down her cheek as the face cracked and peeled off
A tear ran down
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
like a layer of old paint, leaving behind nothing but a blank space.
She had forgotten how her mother looked like, all she could remember
what her mother looked like
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
anymore were the pictures. One tear became many and Aya let them run.
Her dream abruptly ended by a high pitched scream. She opened
her eyes - and faced darkness. She wiped the tears from her eyes with
the end of her sleeve, but to no avail. The darkness prevailed.
She didn't sound afraid, but there was a certain amount of
urgency in Kay's voice... Right. Kay. Slumberparty. Designated
babysitter. And she was sitting in what felt suspiciously like the
large leather armchair in the living room - the real thing, mind you,
not faux leather junk. She groped for the reading lamp to her right
and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She flipped it again and
everything was as before. So either the lamp was broken or the power
had failed leaving the whole flat in the dark... Kay!
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
attack, launched hers
Actually more like 'herself'.
That would probably be best. Oh, and 'where the attacker,' not 'were.'
Let's see...

'She turned around and a mere second after the initial attack, launched
herself towards where the attacker had to be.'
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
'Purchase' can mean a grip on something, although I believe it's more
specific than that. I don't really hear it used that way very often.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
OK, maybe I just made that idiom up... Any dragons around wanting to be
helpful? Please?
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
into a fight with a book. That stupid thing had to have slipped from
her lap and in the darkness she had tripped over it.
This time Kay did sounds somewhat scared. There was no way she
hadn't heard her hitting the ground, and who knew what her imagination
made of that.
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
'murderous books aside, she was quite used to navigating the flat'
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
The sentence starting with 'Grandma' is a little confusing... perhaps
using 'wouldn't' instead of 'couldn't.'

And for the second part: 'that, or how that would even work anyway.'

And finally about the bones in ears, 'were' needs to be 'are not,' if I
understand what you're saying.

...even though there are bones in the ears. But generally one doesn't
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?
Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...
Ahem, sorry for the extra spelling/grammar comments. I like it though.
It is indeed promising and interesting to read.

"crappy, as usual" hmmph. Why do keep writing if you feel this way about
your own work? We're enjoying it, aren't we? Terribly sorry I don't
express it as much as you like, but one tends to forget their own
opinions when people make fun of them for so long.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
2008-12-16 19:59:57 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
It was a warm and sunny day. Aya couldn't remember the last time she
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
Her face. You don't call your mother an 'it' :-)
Where did I write 'it'?
The smile. The is gender neutral if you asked me.
Yeah? English is mostly made up of gender-neutral words. The sentence is
perfectly correct. Objects are never associated with a gender, even if
the 'object' is attached to someone.
I would hate someone referring to my face as gender neutral.
Post by Red Dragon
I am curious to know now what word you would possibly substitute. I
mean, I guess 'her smile was fixed' would work too, but how it is works
just fine.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
had been glued onto it. And she knew the picture, she knew it only to
well; it was the one that stood on her desk.
A tear run down her cheek as the face cracked and peeled off
A tear ran down
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
like a layer of old paint, leaving behind nothing but a blank space.
She had forgotten how her mother looked like, all she could remember
what her mother looked like
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
anymore were the pictures. One tear became many and Aya let them run.
Her dream abruptly ended by a high pitched scream. She opened
her eyes - and faced darkness. She wiped the tears from her eyes with
the end of her sleeve, but to no avail. The darkness prevailed.
She didn't sound afraid, but there was a certain amount of
urgency in Kay's voice... Right. Kay. Slumberparty. Designated
babysitter. And she was sitting in what felt suspiciously like the
large leather armchair in the living room - the real thing, mind you,
not faux leather junk. She groped for the reading lamp to her right
and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She flipped it again and
everything was as before. So either the lamp was broken or the power
had failed leaving the whole flat in the dark... Kay!
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
attack, launched hers
Actually more like 'herself'.
That would probably be best. Oh, and 'where the attacker,' not 'were.'
Let's see...
'She turned around and a mere second after the initial attack, launched
herself towards where the attacker had to be.'
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
'Purchase' can mean a grip on something, although I believe it's more
specific than that. I don't really hear it used that way very often.
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
OK, maybe I just made that idiom up... Any dragons around wanting to be
helpful? Please?
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
into a fight with a book. That stupid thing had to have slipped from
her lap and in the darkness she had tripped over it.
This time Kay did sounds somewhat scared. There was no way she
hadn't heard her hitting the ground, and who knew what her imagination
made of that.
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
'murderous books aside, she was quite used to navigating the flat'
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
The sentence starting with 'Grandma' is a little confusing... perhaps
using 'wouldn't' instead of 'couldn't.'
And for the second part: 'that, or how that would even work anyway.'
And finally about the bones in ears, 'were' needs to be 'are not,' if I
understand what you're saying.
...even though there are bones in the ears. But generally one doesn't
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?
It was dark, she stood up, and tripped over a big werewolf. Right?
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...
Ahem, sorry for the extra spelling/grammar comments. I like it though.
It is indeed promising and interesting to read.
"crappy, as usual" hmmph. Why do keep writing if you feel this way about
your own work? We're enjoying it, aren't we? Terribly sorry I don't
express it as much as you like, but one tends to forget their own
opinions when people make fun of them for so long.
If it is happening here we can blame InSaNiTy!!!

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-16 22:04:17 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?
It was dark, she stood up, and tripped over a big werewolf. Right?
Um, no? How did you come to /that/ conclusion?
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...
Ahem, sorry for the extra spelling/grammar comments. I like it though.
It is indeed promising and interesting to read.
"crappy, as usual" hmmph. Why do keep writing if you feel this way about
your own work? We're enjoying it, aren't we? Terribly sorry I don't
express it as much as you like, but one tends to forget their own
opinions when people make fun of them for so long.
If it is happening here we can blame InSaNiTy!!!
Oh, right... I tell you, it's InSaNiTy!!!11!!!!1!!!
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-16 21:58:17 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
attack, launched hers
Actually more like 'herself'.
That would probably be best. Oh, and 'where the attacker,' not 'were.'
Let's see...
'She turned around and a mere second after the initial attack, launched
herself towards where the attacker had to be.'
Comma setting correction! Yippee! (Seriously, I always have problems
with that...)
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
'Purchase' can mean a grip on something, although I believe it's more
specific than that. I don't really hear it used that way very often.
Just ran a grep... Found the use in 'Mostly Harmless', so I might have
picked up there. Or maybe in one of the various Agatha Christies I have
read... I'll keep it then, or shouldn't I?
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
'murderous books aside, she was quite used to navigating the flat'
More comma goodness! Yippee!
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
The sentence starting with 'Grandma' is a little confusing... perhaps
What about 'Grandma kept prophesying her that...'? But maybe it's the
whole thing. 'Breaking your ears' is not exactly a very English phrase,
but then Aya isn't English, so I though this one might fit it nicely.
Admittedly I borrowed it from some other European language...
Post by Red Dragon
using 'wouldn't' instead of 'couldn't.'
I can't see 'wouldn't' working here. Are you sure?
Post by Red Dragon
And for the second part: 'that, or how that would even work anyway.'
Sounds good.
Post by Red Dragon
And finally about the bones in ears, 'were' needs to be 'are not,' if I
understand what you're saying.
Ah, yes. Damn. Stupid me.
Post by Red Dragon
...even though there are bones in the ears. But generally one doesn't
Well, there are in the ear if you have a look at the whole thing. There
are those three directly behind the eardrum which I don't know what they
are called in English. Talking about breaking the ears, I mean merely
the outer ear and that one's purely gristle. OK, the nose, too, but
breaking the ear is a lot harder in comparison. I'll stop ranting now.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?
Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...
Ahem, sorry for the extra spelling/grammar comments. I like it though.
Hey, feel free to correct me all you like. I just like a bit of feedback
on what I wrote, since I'm terribly insecure. And it's even worse when I
do something that's somewhat... experimentally? Nah, doesn't quite fit,
but I'm not sure there is a word that does. Feedback maniac, you see...
::points at sig::
And yes, I know I'm pathetic.
Post by Red Dragon
It is indeed promising and interesting to read.
That's good to hear.
Post by Red Dragon
"crappy, as usual" hmmph. Why do keep writing if you feel this way about
your own work?
Well, I keep doing it because I'm terminally stupid and don't want to
admit defeat. Is there any other reason to write non-professionally?
Besides, I don't always feel like that, but if you don't get as
much as the raising of an eyebrow out of part, that you were sure should
be a serious eye opener, that tends to be a bit discouraging. OK, that
sentence is crap for sure.
Post by Red Dragon
We're enjoying it, aren't we?
It's a little hard to tell sometimes... I know, I'm an ungrateful brat.
Post by Red Dragon
Terribly sorry I don't
express it as much as you like, but one tends to forget their own
opinions when people make fun of them for so long.
That's... bad. One should never forget one's own opinion. That kind of
thing is important.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-16 22:05:07 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
attack, launched hers
Actually more like 'herself'.
That would probably be best. Oh, and 'where the attacker,' not 'were.'
Let's see...
'She turned around and a mere second after the initial attack, launched
herself towards where the attacker had to be.'
Comma setting correction! Yippee! (Seriously, I always have problems
with that...)
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
'Purchase' can mean a grip on something, although I believe it's more
specific than that. I don't really hear it used that way very often.
Just ran a grep... Found the use in 'Mostly Harmless', so I might have
picked up there. Or maybe in one of the various Agatha Christies I have
read... I'll keep it then, or shouldn't I?
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
'murderous books aside, she was quite used to navigating the flat'
More comma goodness! Yippee!
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
The sentence starting with 'Grandma' is a little confusing... perhaps
What about 'Grandma kept prophesying her that...'? But maybe it's the
whole thing. 'Breaking your ears' is not exactly a very English phrase,
but then Aya isn't English, so I though this one might fit it nicely.
Admittedly I borrowed it from some other European language...
Post by Red Dragon
using 'wouldn't' instead of 'couldn't.'
I can't see 'wouldn't' working here. Are you sure?
Post by Red Dragon
And for the second part: 'that, or how that would even work anyway.'
Sounds good.
Post by Red Dragon
And finally about the bones in ears, 'were' needs to be 'are not,' if I
understand what you're saying.
Ah, yes. Damn. Stupid me.
Post by Red Dragon
...even though there are bones in the ears. But generally one doesn't
Well, there are in the ear if you have a look at the whole thing. There
are those three directly behind the eardrum which I don't know what they
are called in English. Talking about breaking the ears, I mean merely
the outer ear and that one's purely gristle. OK, the nose, too, but
breaking the ear is a lot harder in comparison. I'll stop ranting now.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?
Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...
Ahem, sorry for the extra spelling/grammar comments. I like it though.
Hey, feel free to correct me all you like. I just like a bit of feedback
on what I wrote, since I'm terribly insecure. And it's even worse when I
do something that's somewhat... experimentally? Nah, doesn't quite fit,
but I'm not sure there is a word that does. Feedback maniac, you see...
::points at sig::
And yes, I know I'm pathetic.
Post by Red Dragon
It is indeed promising and interesting to read.
That's good to hear.
Post by Red Dragon
"crappy, as usual" hmmph. Why do keep writing if you feel this way about
your own work?
Well, I keep doing it because I'm terminally stupid and don't want to
admit defeat. Is there any other reason to write non-professionally?
Besides, I don't always feel like that, but if you don't get as
much as the raising of an eyebrow out of part, that you were sure should
be a serious eye opener, that tends to be a bit discouraging. OK, that
sentence is crap for sure.
Post by Red Dragon
We're enjoying it, aren't we?
It's a little hard to tell sometimes... I know, I'm an ungrateful brat.
Post by Red Dragon
Terribly sorry I don't
express it as much as you like, but one tends to forget their own
opinions when people make fun of them for so long.
That's... bad. One should never forget one's own opinion. That kind of
thing is important.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-17 21:04:09 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
attack, launched hers
Actually more like 'herself'.
That would probably be best. Oh, and 'where the attacker,' not 'were.'
Let's see...
'She turned around and a mere second after the initial attack, launched
herself towards where the attacker had to be.'
Comma setting correction! Yippee! (Seriously, I always have problems
with that...)
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
'Purchase' can mean a grip on something, although I believe it's more
specific than that. I don't really hear it used that way very often.
Just ran a grep... Found the use in 'Mostly Harmless', so I might have
picked up there. Or maybe in one of the various Agatha Christies I have
read... I'll keep it then, or shouldn't I?
I think it's probably fine. I just always thought of it as specifically
referring to a grip that intended to steady or move something, but it
sounds good.
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
'murderous books aside, she was quite used to navigating the flat'
More comma goodness! Yippee!
Kind of hard to tell if you're being sarcastic. I'll assume not because
of the previous parenthetical comment.
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
The sentence starting with 'Grandma' is a little confusing... perhaps
What about 'Grandma kept prophesying her that...'? But maybe it's the
whole thing. 'Breaking your ears' is not exactly a very English phrase,
but then Aya isn't English, so I though this one might fit it nicely.
Admittedly I borrowed it from some other European language...
Post by Red Dragon
using 'wouldn't' instead of 'couldn't.'
I can't see 'wouldn't' working here. Are you sure?
Well, if you're saying that having her grandmother tell her that bad
things will happen if she walks around in the dark won't change how she
finds turning on lights a bother, etc... Then 'couldn't' implies to me
that it's somehow externally impossible for Aya to change her behavior.
'Wouldn't' says that Aya is just in the habit and sees no good reason to
do different, even with what her grandma says.

My two cents. The breaking the ears part is fine (sounds just like
something a grandmother would say), it's just the sentence structure and
word choice that was a little hard to follow.
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
And for the second part: 'that, or how that would even work anyway.'
Sounds good.
Post by Red Dragon
And finally about the bones in ears, 'were' needs to be 'are not,' if I
understand what you're saying.
Ah, yes. Damn. Stupid me.
Post by Red Dragon
...even though there are bones in the ears. But generally one doesn't
Well, there are in the ear if you have a look at the whole thing. There
are those three directly behind the eardrum which I don't know what they
are called in English. Talking about breaking the ears, I mean merely
the outer ear and that one's purely gristle. OK, the nose, too, but
breaking the ear is a lot harder in comparison. I'll stop ranting now.
That's no rant. I get to talking just as much. I knew what you meant
though, with the ears. :) Even though the bones are technically in the
ears, it'd be damn near impossible to break the stirrup, anvil, and
hammer. Well, I guess you could jam something in there...
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
Sounds like either a huge norn, big wolf or a normal wherewolf in the
WTF? What the hell are you talking about?
Anyway, any non-spelling comments? Maybe I should make some form...
Ahem, sorry for the extra spelling/grammar comments. I like it though.
Hey, feel free to correct me all you like. I just like a bit of feedback
on what I wrote, since I'm terribly insecure. And it's even worse when I
do something that's somewhat... experimentally? Nah, doesn't quite fit,
but I'm not sure there is a word that does. Feedback maniac, you see...
And yes, I know I'm pathetic.
Post by Red Dragon
It is indeed promising and interesting to read.
That's good to hear.
Post by Red Dragon
"crappy, as usual" hmmph. Why do keep writing if you feel this way about
your own work?
Well, I keep doing it because I'm terminally stupid and don't want to
admit defeat. Is there any other reason to write non-professionally?
Besides, I don't always feel like that, but if you don't get as
much as the raising of an eyebrow out of part, that you were sure should
be a serious eye opener, that tends to be a bit discouraging. OK, that
sentence is crap for sure.
Post by Red Dragon
We're enjoying it, aren't we?
It's a little hard to tell sometimes... I know, I'm an ungrateful brat.
Ungrateful, perhaps... But it doesn't seem like we say much either. I
just wonder if you're kind of like me in the sense that it wouldn't
matter how much praise we gave you, you'd still be down on your talents
and probably secretly believe we're just lying to you to make you feel

Brats, however, I always thought of as at least younger than myself, if
not specifically sub-13. I'm 99.99999999% sure you're not younger than 13.
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Terribly sorry I don't
express it as much as you like, but one tends to forget their own
opinions when people make fun of them for so long.
That's... bad. One should never forget one's own opinion. That kind of
thing is important.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
2008-12-17 21:30:13 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
purchase?? What did she purchase?
'Purchase' can mean a grip on something, although I believe it's more
specific than that. I don't really hear it used that way very often.
Just ran a grep... Found the use in 'Mostly Harmless', so I might have
picked up there. Or maybe in one of the various Agatha Christies I have
read... I'll keep it then, or shouldn't I?
I think it's probably fine. I just always thought of it as specifically
referring to a grip that intended to steady or move something, but it
sounds good.
OK. Thanks.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
'murderous books aside, she was quite used to navigating the flat'
More comma goodness! Yippee!
Kind of hard to tell if you're being sarcastic. I'll assume not because
of the previous parenthetical comment.
I'm being serious, although I have to admit that I *am* a bit
overacting. Being corrected helps... a lot. Especially for someone to
whom English is the native tongue.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
The sentence starting with 'Grandma' is a little confusing... perhaps
What about 'Grandma kept prophesying her that...'? But maybe it's the
whole thing. 'Breaking your ears' is not exactly a very English phrase,
but then Aya isn't English, so I though this one might fit it nicely.
Admittedly I borrowed it from some other European language...
Post by Red Dragon
using 'wouldn't' instead of 'couldn't.'
I can't see 'wouldn't' working here. Are you sure?
Well, if you're saying that having her grandmother tell her that bad
things will happen if she walks around in the dark won't change how she
finds turning on lights a bother, etc... Then 'couldn't' implies to me
that it's somehow externally impossible for Aya to change her behavior.
'Wouldn't' says that Aya is just in the habit and sees no good reason to
do different, even with what her grandma says.
Interesting. I'm pretty confident both versions would fly, but they way
you put it 'wouldn't' *does* make more sense.
Post by Red Dragon
My two cents. The breaking the ears part is fine (sounds just like
something a grandmother would say), it's just the sentence structure and
word choice that was a little hard to follow.
I'll think it over.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
...even though there are bones in the ears. But generally one doesn't
Well, there are in the ear if you have a look at the whole thing. There
are those three directly behind the eardrum which I don't know what they
are called in English. Talking about breaking the ears, I mean merely
the outer ear and that one's purely gristle. OK, the nose, too, but
breaking the ear is a lot harder in comparison. I'll stop ranting now.
That's no rant. I get to talking just as much. I knew what you meant
though, with the ears. :) Even though the bones are technically in the
ears, it'd be damn near impossible to break the stirrup, anvil, and
Oh, so they *do* translate literally. Who would have guessed?
Post by Red Dragon
Well, I guess you could jam something in there...
Actually, I think jamming something in there is a pretty good way to
kill someone, if you go far enough.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Well, I keep doing it because I'm terminally stupid and don't want to
admit defeat. Is there any other reason to write non-professionally?
Besides, I don't always feel like that, but if you don't get as
much as the raising of an eyebrow out of part, that you were sure should
be a serious eye opener, that tends to be a bit discouraging. OK, that
sentence is crap for sure.
Post by Red Dragon
We're enjoying it, aren't we?
It's a little hard to tell sometimes... I know, I'm an ungrateful brat.
Ungrateful, perhaps... But it doesn't seem like we say much either. I
just wonder if you're kind of like me in the sense that it wouldn't
matter how much praise we gave you, you'd still be down on your talents
and probably secretly believe we're just lying to you to make you feel
Maybe a tiny weeny little bit.
Post by Red Dragon
Brats, however, I always thought of as at least younger than myself, if
not specifically sub-13. I'm 99.99999999% sure you're not younger than 13.
Says so on my ID.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-17 23:08:05 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!

Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!

Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.

If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
Red Dragon
2008-12-18 00:48:58 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!
Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!
Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.
If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
2008-12-18 11:18:02 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!
Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!
Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.
If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
I am sorry about coming off as abrasive. You seemed to be avoiding my
posts and I just wanted to make sure.

They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.

I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye

I do think you and emmel lack some experience with the world that I have
had. Because of my slightly older age. I just don't want you both to
make the same mistakes I made.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-18 12:18:51 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
I am sorry about coming off as abrasive. You seemed to be avoiding my
posts and I just wanted to make sure.
Abrasive, eh? Nothing better for applying a polish.
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
Yeah, I *thought* that was a bit rude.
Post by Neo
I do think you and emmel lack some experience with the world that I have
had. Because of my slightly older age. I just don't want you both to
make the same mistakes I made.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-18 12:23:53 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
I am sorry about coming off as abrasive. You seemed to be avoiding my
posts and I just wanted to make sure.
Abrasive, eh? Nothing better for applying a polish.
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
Yeah, I *thought* that was a bit rude.
Not if the sheep killed him.
::plays sad music::

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-18 12:55:03 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
I am sorry about coming off as abrasive. You seemed to be avoiding my
posts and I just wanted to make sure.
Abrasive, eh? Nothing better for applying a polish.
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
Yeah, I *thought* that was a bit rude.
Not if the sheep killed him.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-19 19:06:57 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!
Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!
Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.
If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
I am sorry about coming off as abrasive. You seemed to be avoiding my
posts and I just wanted to make sure.
Not avoiding on purpose. As I said before, if I don't feel like I have
anything to add, I just don't say anything.
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
Post by Neo
I do think you and emmel lack some experience with the world that I have
had. Because of my slightly older age. I just don't want you both to
make the same mistakes I made.
Maybe, maybe not. I learn quite well from other people's mistakes, but
I've made plenty of my own too. I have to admit though, I tend to get a
tiny bit bristly when it sounds like you're claiming absolute knowledge
based on your age. Might be a trait of my youth.
2008-12-19 19:15:12 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I do think you and emmel lack some experience with the world that I have
had. Because of my slightly older age. I just don't want you both to
make the same mistakes I made.
Maybe, maybe not. I learn quite well from other people's mistakes, but
I've made plenty of my own too. I have to admit though, I tend to get a
tiny bit bristly when it sounds like you're claiming absolute knowledge
based on your age. Might be a trait of my youth.
I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with youth. And it's scaly, not
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-19 20:46:03 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!
Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!
Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.
If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
I am sorry about coming off as abrasive. You seemed to be avoiding my
posts and I just wanted to make sure.
Not avoiding on purpose. As I said before, if I don't feel like I have
anything to add, I just don't say anything.
If I acted like that I would have run out of topics to discuss in AGC
years ago!
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I do think you and emmel lack some experience with the world that I have
had. Because of my slightly older age. I just don't want you both to
make the same mistakes I made.
Maybe, maybe not. I learn quite well from other people's mistakes, but
I've made plenty of my own too. I have to admit though, I tend to get a
tiny bit bristly when it sounds like you're claiming absolute knowledge
based on your age. Might be a trait of my youth.
Let me tell you, some of those were painful lessons. Very painful and
long. It is a wonder I survived at all.

Also a man sees relations and cause of failure differently than females
do. You might be the expert on female -> male relations. But truth is us
males view relations differently than you do. It is a small wonder
relations work at all!

I could give examples but I would just annoy you.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
Red Dragon
2008-12-20 18:06:54 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!
Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!
Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.
If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
I am sorry about coming off as abrasive. You seemed to be avoiding my
posts and I just wanted to make sure.
Not avoiding on purpose. As I said before, if I don't feel like I have
anything to add, I just don't say anything.
If I acted like that I would have run out of topics to discuss in AGC
years ago!
What's the saying... 'It takes all kinds?'
Too bad AGC seems to be plagued with silent, invisible people.
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I do think you and emmel lack some experience with the world that I have
had. Because of my slightly older age. I just don't want you both to
make the same mistakes I made.
Maybe, maybe not. I learn quite well from other people's mistakes, but
I've made plenty of my own too. I have to admit though, I tend to get a
tiny bit bristly when it sounds like you're claiming absolute knowledge
based on your age. Might be a trait of my youth.
Let me tell you, some of those were painful lessons. Very painful and
long. It is a wonder I survived at all.
Also a man sees relations and cause of failure differently than females
do. You might be the expert on female -> male relations. But truth is us
males view relations differently than you do. It is a small wonder
relations work at all!
I could give examples but I would just annoy you.
Briefly, but probably. No point in dwelling anyway.
2008-12-20 19:02:49 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-21 20:44:07 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
Goodness, I may faint. Ewe really shouldn't say such things in front of
a lady.
2008-12-21 21:40:56 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
Goodness, I may faint. Ewe really shouldn't say such things in front of
a lady.
OK, it was a bad joke, but what did I say that wasn't fit for a lady?
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-22 19:11:45 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
Goodness, I may faint. Ewe really shouldn't say such things in front of
a lady.
OK, it was a bad joke, but what did I say that wasn't fit for a lady?
You answered your own question. It was a bad joke. :)
2008-12-22 21:17:06 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
Goodness, I may faint. Ewe really shouldn't say such things in front of
a lady.
OK, it was a bad joke, but what did I say that wasn't fit for a lady?
You answered your own question. It was a bad joke. :)
If you risk fainting at bad jokes... How did you survive the elections?
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-23 19:18:02 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
Goodness, I may faint. Ewe really shouldn't say such things in front of
a lady.
OK, it was a bad joke, but what did I say that wasn't fit for a lady?
You answered your own question. It was a bad joke. :)
If you risk fainting at bad jokes... How did you survive the elections?
Personal audio censor. I had been hearing a lot of buzzing...
2008-12-23 22:27:24 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
Goodness, I may faint. Ewe really shouldn't say such things in front of
a lady.
OK, it was a bad joke, but what did I say that wasn't fit for a lady?
You answered your own question. It was a bad joke. :)
If you risk fainting at bad jokes... How did you survive the elections?
Personal audio censor. I had been hearing a lot of buzzing...
Oh, yeah. That's an American thing, isn't it? Can't remember ever heard
any censoring buzz/beep in these parts.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-22 21:41:43 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
16 thousand thousand inhabitants.
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
There are two sheep standing on the grass. Then one of them turns to the
other and says .... beeeeeh.

I thought this sheep joke up myself. You probably need to say it aloud
to get the full impact of the joke. It's a variation on my shouting joke
(best used in public).

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-22 22:09:01 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
16 thousand thousand inhabitants.
Sorry. It's not small, it's tiny. ;-)
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
There are two sheep standing on the grass. Then one of them turns to the
other and says .... beeeeeh.
I thought this sheep joke up myself. You probably need to say it aloud
to get the full impact of the joke. It's a variation on my shouting joke
(best used in public).
The agony...
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-27 12:59:04 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
16 thousand thousand inhabitants.
Sorry. It's not small, it's tiny. ;-)
We once ruled the seas you know!
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
There are two sheep standing on the grass. Then one of them turns to the
other and says .... beeeeeh.
I thought this sheep joke up myself. You probably need to say it aloud
to get the full impact of the joke. It's a variation on my shouting joke
(best used in public).
The agony...
It's an acquired taste.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-27 13:59:18 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
16 thousand thousand inhabitants.
Sorry. It's not small, it's tiny. ;-)
We once ruled the seas you know!
In between being occupied by the one or other crown...
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
There are two sheep standing on the grass. Then one of them turns to the
other and says .... beeeeeh.
I thought this sheep joke up myself. You probably need to say it aloud
to get the full impact of the joke. It's a variation on my shouting joke
(best used in public).
The agony...
It's an acquired taste.
Not really. Limburger is acquired taste, this isn't.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-27 14:31:00 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
They say about Dutch people that they are rude and open. I can say I
think of myself as a mild case but if you don't have any other
experience with Dutch people you might take that as a personality trait.
My boyfriend is Dutch, and I visit with his family rather often too. I
feel quite comfortable with them, actually.
You are Reinder's gf? For real?!
I... Didn't realize there were only two Dutch people in the world.
And both men. How tragic.
It's a smaaaaal country ;-)
16 thousand thousand inhabitants.
Sorry. It's not small, it's tiny. ;-)
We once ruled the seas you know!
In between being occupied by the one or other crown...
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
There are two sheep standing on the grass. Then one of them turns to the
other and says .... beeeeeh.
I thought this sheep joke up myself. You probably need to say it aloud
to get the full impact of the joke. It's a variation on my shouting joke
(best used in public).
The agony...
It's an acquired taste.
Not really. Limburger is acquired taste, this isn't.
Part of the joke is the reaction to it by other people, like you :-)

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-27 18:43:41 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
I thought this sheep joke up myself. You probably need to say it aloud
to get the full impact of the joke. It's a variation on my shouting joke
(best used in public).
The agony...
It's an acquired taste.
Not really. Limburger is acquired taste, this isn't.
Part of the joke is the reaction to it by other people, like you :-)
Well, I *did* play along, didn't I?
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-27 21:47:13 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
I thought this sheep joke up myself. You probably need to say it aloud
to get the full impact of the joke. It's a variation on my shouting joke
(best used in public).
The agony...
It's an acquired taste.
Not really. Limburger is acquired taste, this isn't.
Part of the joke is the reaction to it by other people, like you :-)
Well, I *did* play along, didn't I?
I wish I could have seen your face.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-27 21:51:53 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
I thought this sheep joke up myself. You probably need to say it aloud
to get the full impact of the joke. It's a variation on my shouting joke
(best used in public).
The agony...
It's an acquired taste.
Not really. Limburger is acquired taste, this isn't.
Part of the joke is the reaction to it by other people, like you :-)
Well, I *did* play along, didn't I?
I wish I could have seen your face.
You wouldn't have seen much, I don't tend to wear my emotions outside
much. Besides, there wasn't any *real* agony involved, if you haven't
figured that out by now.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-22 21:47:48 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
A flock of sheep is standing on the grass. Then a ship with AGLAMI
pirates comes along and kills all the sheep, except two. Then one of
them turns to the other sheep and says ... those are beeeeeeht people.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-22 22:11:51 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
A flock of sheep is standing on the grass. Then a ship with AGLAMI
pirates comes along and kills all the sheep, except two. Then one of
them turns to the other sheep and says ... those are beeeeeeht people.
Are you going to keep that up? I just want to know if I ought to brake
out the flame thrower. Actually, roast sheep sounds lovely. Who brings
the BBQ sauce?
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-27 13:00:00 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
A flock of sheep is standing on the grass. Then a ship with AGLAMI
pirates comes along and kills all the sheep, except two. Then one of
them turns to the other sheep and says ... those are beeeeeeht people.
Are you going to keep that up? I just want to know if I ought to brake
out the flame thrower. Actually, roast sheep sounds lovely. Who brings
the BBQ sauce?
You're a beeeeeht person emmel.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-27 14:00:00 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
I think BWIGLEY could be kind of 'abrasive' too. He didn't say goodbye
He had a sort of 'phasing in and out of reality' thing going on there...
That is because the sheep drugged him through the drinking water supply
in New Zealand.
Ohh, those accursed sheep!
Yeah, and they always prompt us to do cheap jokes. You know, the really
baaaahd ones...
A flock of sheep is standing on the grass. Then a ship with AGLAMI
pirates comes along and kills all the sheep, except two. Then one of
them turns to the other sheep and says ... those are beeeeeeht people.
Are you going to keep that up? I just want to know if I ought to brake
out the flame thrower. Actually, roast sheep sounds lovely. Who brings
the BBQ sauce?
You're a beeeeeht person emmel.
It's 'bah', I think... And yes, of course I am.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-18 12:16:41 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!
Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!
Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.
If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
Whoa... Hold it... Don't start fighting because I made a connection
where none was intended.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-19 19:11:03 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!
Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!
Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.
If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
Whoa... Hold it... Don't start fighting because I made a connection
where none was intended.
Relax. I'm never looking for a fight, and I very much prefer to avoid
them. Although, I don't just lie down and take it if I get disrespected.

Luckily, that hasn't happened here at all. Which is why I'm actually
getting comfortable with the two of you.
2008-12-19 19:19:41 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Relax. I'm never looking for a fight, and I very much prefer to avoid
them. Although, I don't just lie down and take it if I get disrespected.
Luckily, that hasn't happened here at all. Which is why I'm actually
getting comfortable with the two of you.
Well, it's kinda hard to disrespect a dragon... when your asbestos
underwear is in the laundry.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-20 18:03:01 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Relax. I'm never looking for a fight, and I very much prefer to avoid
them. Although, I don't just lie down and take it if I get disrespected.
Luckily, that hasn't happened here at all. Which is why I'm actually
getting comfortable with the two of you.
Well, it's kinda hard to disrespect a dragon... when your asbestos
underwear is in the laundry.
Seems rather pointless to just have underwear...

But, I guess one needs to protect what they think is important. ;)
2008-12-20 18:58:59 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Relax. I'm never looking for a fight, and I very much prefer to avoid
them. Although, I don't just lie down and take it if I get disrespected.
Luckily, that hasn't happened here at all. Which is why I'm actually
getting comfortable with the two of you.
Well, it's kinda hard to disrespect a dragon... when your asbestos
underwear is in the laundry.
Seems rather pointless to just have underwear...
I had this cartoon in the back of my mind, to be frank.
Post by Red Dragon
But, I guess one needs to protect what they think is important. ;)
Well, rest assured that I'd actually go for the full enclosing armour
solution. Or, preferably, no playing with mean dragons, but only the
nice ones.
::smiles at big dragon::
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-19 20:50:30 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Post by emmel
( ) Promising.
Post by emmel
( ) Intriguing.
Post by emmel
( ) Mildly interesting.
Post by emmel
( ) Crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Crappy, as usual.
Post by emmel
( ) Don't get my nerves with your crap.
Post by emmel
( ) Can't be bothered.
Post by emmel
( ) Other: ____________________________
Y, it has a scare factor and an entertaining value since you know in
front it should be the thing she tripped over you should feel pity for
Hey, you didn't fill out the feedback form! <j/k>
Feedback forms are for sissies. :D
<vbg> Well, since Neo filled it out... ;-)
I try not to stop and think too much about what other people think of
me. A wise man once told me you'll always end up in conflict with
someone or some other and the way to deal with this is to fuck 'em!
Can't please everyone you know emmel.. That goes doubly for writers and
other artists!!
Please yourself and the ones you care about is what I would add to this.
If Red Dragon has issues with me, that is her problem. I won't change
who I am just to please a single person. Maybe Red Dragon should do that
more often too.
I actually don't have any issues with you... I'm much too laid back.
You do come off as... abrasive, sometimes. But just reading someone's
words without body language can cause some serious misunderstandings
Whoa... Hold it... Don't start fighting because I made a connection
where none was intended.
Relax. I'm never looking for a fight, and I very much prefer to avoid
them. Although, I don't just lie down and take it if I get disrespected.
It would be foolish to disrespect large flying reptiles that could kill
you in countless ways that are all quick and thorough.
Post by Red Dragon
Luckily, that hasn't happened here at all. Which is why I'm actually
getting comfortable with the two of you.

Now post your stories!!

Everything that has a beginning has an end.
2008-12-19 21:58:59 UTC
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Relax. I'm never looking for a fight, and I very much prefer to avoid
them. Although, I don't just lie down and take it if I get disrespected.
It would be foolish to disrespect large flying reptiles that could kill
you in countless ways that are all quick and thorough.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste
good with ketchup.

I wonder who was originally responsible for that one...
Post by Neo
Post by Red Dragon
Luckily, that hasn't happened here at all. Which is why I'm actually
getting comfortable with the two of you.
Now post your stories!!
Actually, it's probably going to be tomorrow (noonish). I'm going to
take a good hot shower now, and then let myself plunge into bed. If I
should really it it down before dropping off into sleep, I'll let you
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
2008-12-20 12:14:38 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Now post your stories!!
Actually, it's probably going to be tomorrow (noonish). I'm going to
take a good hot shower now, and then let myself plunge into bed. If I
should really it it down before dropping off into sleep, I'll let you
So much for big announcements. It just didn't fly, need to get a
different angle. Or with Douglas Adams' words: I like deadlines. I like
the whoosh sound they make when passing.

Oh, and I'm replying to my own posts. Wasn't talking to yourself a sign
for madness?
Of course it is.
Ah, good.
What's good about that?
I though I was loosing my grip on... me.
Ah. So everything normal.

You may be scared now.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
Red Dragon
2008-12-20 17:56:11 UTC
Post by emmel
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Now post your stories!!
Actually, it's probably going to be tomorrow (noonish). I'm going to
take a good hot shower now, and then let myself plunge into bed. If I
should really it it down before dropping off into sleep, I'll let you
So much for big announcements. It just didn't fly, need to get a
different angle. Or with Douglas Adams' words: I like deadlines. I like
the whoosh sound they make when passing.
Oh, and I'm replying to my own posts. Wasn't talking to yourself a sign
for madness?
Of course it is.
Ah, good.
What's good about that?
I though I was loosing my grip on... me.
Ah. So everything normal.
You may be scared now.
At least you'll never be lonely. And hopefully you aren't a big ol' jerk
that you really hate being around.
2008-12-20 18:54:09 UTC
Post by Red Dragon
Post by emmel
Post by emmel
Post by Neo
Now post your stories!!
Actually, it's probably going to be tomorrow (noonish). I'm going to
take a good hot shower now, and then let myself plunge into bed. If I
should really it it down before dropping off into sleep, I'll let you
So much for big announcements. It just didn't fly, need to get a
different angle. Or with Douglas Adams' words: I like deadlines. I like
the whoosh sound they make when passing.
Oh, and I'm replying to my own posts. Wasn't talking to yourself a sign
for madness?
Of course it is.
Ah, good.
What's good about that?
I though I was loosing my grip on... me.
Ah. So everything normal.
You may be scared now.
At least you'll never be lonely. And hopefully you aren't a big ol' jerk
that you really hate being around.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)

story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com

Official AGC feedback maniac

"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."

"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."

"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."

Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).

Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.