2008-12-04 23:20:43 UTC
It was a warm and sunny day. Aya couldn't remember the last time she
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
had been glued onto it. And she knew the picture, she knew it only to
well; it was the one that stood on her desk.
A tear run down her cheek as the face cracked and peeled off
like a layer of old paint, leaving behind nothing but a blank space.
She had forgotten how her mother looked like, all she could remember
anymore were the pictures. One tear became many and Aya let them run.
Her dream abruptly ended by a high pitched scream. She opened
her eyes - and faced darkness. She wiped the tears from her eyes with
the end of her sleeve, but to no avail. The darkness prevailed.
She didn't sound afraid, but there was a certain amount of
urgency in Kay's voice... Right. Kay. Slumberparty. Designated
babysitter. And she was sitting in what felt suspiciously like the
large leather armchair in the living room - the real thing, mind you,
not faux leather junk. She groped for the reading lamp to her right
and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She flipped it again and
everything was as before. So either the lamp was broken or the power
had failed leaving the whole flat in the dark... Kay!
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
into a fight with a book. That stupid thing had to have slipped from
her lap and in the darkness she had tripped over it.
This time Kay did sounds somewhat scared. There was no way she
hadn't heard her hitting the ground, and who knew what her imagination
made of that.
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
Out loud she said:
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)
story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com
Official AGC feedback maniac
"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."
"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."
"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."
Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).
Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.
had just been strolling through the park with her parents; it did feel
like an eternity though. The sweet smell of flowers hung in the air
and small flocks of bird fluttered through the air, given free reign
throughout the large glass dome as had all the small animals roaming
the undergrowth.
She turned to her mum wanting to tell her just how happy she
was, but there was no need of words. Her mum gave her a benevolent
smile - and that was when Aya realised that everything was wrong. The
smile was fixed, the expression stuck onto the face as if a picture
had been glued onto it. And she knew the picture, she knew it only to
well; it was the one that stood on her desk.
A tear run down her cheek as the face cracked and peeled off
like a layer of old paint, leaving behind nothing but a blank space.
She had forgotten how her mother looked like, all she could remember
anymore were the pictures. One tear became many and Aya let them run.
Her dream abruptly ended by a high pitched scream. She opened
her eyes - and faced darkness. She wiped the tears from her eyes with
the end of her sleeve, but to no avail. The darkness prevailed.
She didn't sound afraid, but there was a certain amount of
urgency in Kay's voice... Right. Kay. Slumberparty. Designated
babysitter. And she was sitting in what felt suspiciously like the
large leather armchair in the living room - the real thing, mind you,
not faux leather junk. She groped for the reading lamp to her right
and flipped the switch. Nothing happened. She flipped it again and
everything was as before. So either the lamp was broken or the power
had failed leaving the whole flat in the dark... Kay!
Aya pushed herself out of the chair and meant to do a jump
start, but suddenly something tackled her foot, sending her crashing
into the ground. Reflexively she twisted away, the surprised attacker
offering no resistance. She turned around and a mere second after the
initial attack launched her towards were the attacker had to be. Her
hands found purchase - and she felt extremely silly for having gotten
into a fight with a book. That stupid thing had to have slipped from
her lap and in the darkness she had tripped over it.
This time Kay did sounds somewhat scared. There was no way she
hadn't heard her hitting the ground, and who knew what her imagination
made of that.
She reached Kay's room without further incidents; murderous
books aside she was quite used to navigate the flat without lights.
She simply couldn't see any point in using lights when she didn't need
them. It was a waste of energy and besides, she just couldn't be
bothered. Grandma prophesying her that she was going to break her ears
couldn't change anything about that, however that was going to work
anyway. There were any bones in the ears she knew of.
Aya pulled the door to Kay's room open and was instantly
greeted with another high pitched yelp, followed by an
'Are you all right?' coming from directly in front of her. Kay
worrying about her? And she thought she was supposed the babysitter.
Out loud she said:
'I just dropped a book.'
'Must have been a heavy book. By the sounds of it... Let's
see... Seventy-two kilos?'
'Seventy-one and a half.' Aya answered sulkily. 'Anyway,
everything all right with you lot?'
'Aya, it's merely dark.' Kay replied accusingly. 'Nobody here
is going to panic because of a monster in the closet.'
There was a shriek from behind Kay, followed by whispered
reassurances that there was definitely no monster in the closet.
'Except for Lin, that is.'
Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear Kay smirking as
she said this. Then she pulled Aya's head down and whispered in her
'I think the others are as scared, they just don't want to
admit it to each other. I might be too, a little bit. You are going to
stay with us, are you not?'
'Tell you what, ' Aya said, 'I need a minute or two to check
on things, but I'll be with you after that. Maybe I can even find some
light for us.'
'Sounds like a plan.'
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)
story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com
Official AGC feedback maniac
"God is playing creatures - and we're the norns."
"A hundred dead are a tragedy - a hundred thousand are statistics."
"I guess you can call yourself lucky." -
"I could, but Linda suits me a little better... :)
Things called lucky tend to get hit by trucks."
Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).
Hi, I'm a .sig virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.