2009-02-27 00:04:32 UTC
OK, first of all a little disclaimer. If read that, despite the subject
and despite this warning, it's your fault and yours only. I take no
responsibility whatsoever.
That said, after a prolonged experimental session I think I have
a pretty good idea why many people sing under the shower and some
exclusively so.
First of all the acoustics are usually far from ideal, but water
drowns a lot of voice (pun intended), so you get a situation not much
unlike a sound studio, except for the water running, of course, but the
human brain is remarkable in that it can tune constant noise out rather
well. I guess singing in fog would be similar, although that tends to
dampen sound too much.
Then a shower provides for a certain illusion of privacy. It's a
confined space and you'd assume (falsely most of the time) that you
can't be heard over the sound of the running water. This an important
psychological aspect.
On a more practical level, people tend to shower standing, for
some showering is probably the longest period they do this during the
whole of the day. Standing still is not a natural part of modern life.
Standing, however, is the ideal position for singing. The body is more
or less relaxed and the lungs can comfortably extend into all
directions. The head is upright, the neck not bend and the windpipe thus
straight. Singing is a serious sport when done properly, and posture is
Plus the air is very moist. This is like balm for the vocal
cords and they don't start to hurt that easily. Normally you do warm-ups
before singing, but this should cut down on the after-effects even if
you don't. This is more of a feeling, though, I didn't actually stress
test my voice.
Oh yeah, and it's actually fun. If you can remember the melody
and the lyrics. Laminated sheet music would probably help with that...
And if you have actually read that far, you are likely as crazy
as me to write this.
On different notes, I actually made a second voice for 'Sitting By The
Shore' at the off chance that anyone cares. I don't seem to be able to
sing it without some practice, as it doesn't make that much sense on its
own melody-wise, but it should be possible. You can find it along with
the single voice version on the archive site, under 'PDFs' if I didn't
mess it up. Comments welcome.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)
story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com
Official AGC feedback maniac
Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).
and despite this warning, it's your fault and yours only. I take no
responsibility whatsoever.
That said, after a prolonged experimental session I think I have
a pretty good idea why many people sing under the shower and some
exclusively so.
First of all the acoustics are usually far from ideal, but water
drowns a lot of voice (pun intended), so you get a situation not much
unlike a sound studio, except for the water running, of course, but the
human brain is remarkable in that it can tune constant noise out rather
well. I guess singing in fog would be similar, although that tends to
dampen sound too much.
Then a shower provides for a certain illusion of privacy. It's a
confined space and you'd assume (falsely most of the time) that you
can't be heard over the sound of the running water. This an important
psychological aspect.
On a more practical level, people tend to shower standing, for
some showering is probably the longest period they do this during the
whole of the day. Standing still is not a natural part of modern life.
Standing, however, is the ideal position for singing. The body is more
or less relaxed and the lungs can comfortably extend into all
directions. The head is upright, the neck not bend and the windpipe thus
straight. Singing is a serious sport when done properly, and posture is
Plus the air is very moist. This is like balm for the vocal
cords and they don't start to hurt that easily. Normally you do warm-ups
before singing, but this should cut down on the after-effects even if
you don't. This is more of a feeling, though, I didn't actually stress
test my voice.
Oh yeah, and it's actually fun. If you can remember the melody
and the lyrics. Laminated sheet music would probably help with that...
And if you have actually read that far, you are likely as crazy
as me to write this.
On different notes, I actually made a second voice for 'Sitting By The
Shore' at the off chance that anyone cares. I don't seem to be able to
sing it without some practice, as it doesn't make that much sense on its
own melody-wise, but it should be possible. You can find it along with
the single voice version on the archive site, under 'PDFs' if I didn't
mess it up. Comments welcome.
emmel <the_emmel*you-know-what-that's-for*@gmx.net>
(Don't forget to remove the ** bit)
story archives available at http://ranira.wordpress.com
Official AGC feedback maniac
Proud owner of 1 (one) DISOBEDIENCE point.
Former owner of 1 (one) eating point (eaten, sigh).